As Covid-19 reached Ethiopia, Hope Arising partnered with the Dodota Woreda Administration (local government). Our donation of medical masks, gloves, gowns, and sterilizing supplies is helping safeguard medical professionals and responders as they care for symptomatic individuals.
We also continue to support individuals who participated in our programs. Those who completed our business training, which included the importance of maintaining a savings fund, are finding themselves well prepared to care for their families during this time of crisis. At the onset of social distancing, our staff ensured individuals had access to their savings and helped them carefully plan budgets for the next several weeks. These individuals, once among the poorest in their community, are now looked to as examples of preparedness within thier community.
Perhaps the single biggest impact in protecting the community is the availability of safe water. Hope Arising’s water project furnishes water directly to many of Dera’s residences. The availability of running water enables hand washing and social distancing.
On behalf of the people in Dera, we thank you, our donors, for making these efforts possible. Your past efforts continue to preserve lives .